Tuesday 29 November 2011

science objective type questions

Geology Solved objective Test
Geology MCQ Practice Solved Questions
1 : The planets were formed from collisions and union numerous small planetary
fragments, was proposed by :
(a) Kant and laplace
(b) Moulton and chamblin
(c) Weizsacker
(d) G.P. Kuiper.
Answer ( B)

2 : The universe, solar system etc. are the result of an explosion within the nebula refers to:
(a) Planetesimal hypothesis
(b) Nebular hypothesis
(c) Big-Bang theory
(d) Tidal. Hypothesis.
Answer ( C)

3 : The planets become isolated masses of matter as the material of the solar-system
Condensed into the sun refers to :
(a) Evolutions theories
(b) Catastrophic theories
(c) Cosmic theories
(d) None of the above.
Answer (a)

4 : Who was the first man to give this present theory that sun is in centre and other
planets move around it. -
(a) Copernicus
(b) Kepler
(c) Aristotle
(d) None of the above.
Answer (A )

5 : Which of the following statements as regards the consequences of the movement of
The earth is not correct.
(a) Rotation of the earth is cause of day and night.
(b) Revolution of the earth is the cause of the change of the season.
(c) Rotation of the earth causes variation in the duration of day and night.
(d) Rotation of the earth affects the movement of wind and ocean currents.
Answer ( C )

6 : Severe thinking of ozone layer of its depletion, tenned as :
(a) Ozone depletion
(b) Ozone hole
(c) Black hole
(d) Ozone cancer.
Answer (B)

7: Ozone layer is found at the altitude of :
(a) 10 to 30 km. -
(B) 20 to 35 km
(C) 40 to 50 km
(D) 50 to 70 km. _
Answer ( B )

8 : What is the name of skin cancer caused by Ultraviolets - B rays :
(a) Melanoma
(b) Ozonite
(c) Epidemoric
(d) None of these.
Answer (a)

9 : Regarding age ot the Earth the average ann-ual rate of deposition of sediments and
the thickness of the all strata deposited during the whole geological history are used for :
(a) Verve-clock method.
(b) Sedimentation-clock method.
(C) salinity - clock method
(d) Non of the above
Answer (B)

10: Verve- clock method can be used for getting geologic- time from :
(a) 0 - 100 yrs. only QQ.
(b) 0 - 1,000 yrs. only
(c) 0 -- 10,000 yrs. only
(d) 0 -- 1,00,000 yrs. Only
Answer ( C)

11 : Lord Kelvin determined the age of the Earth by rate of cooling of the earth- is :
(a) 100 to 1000 m.y.
(b) 20 to 400 m.y.
(c) 120 to 500 m.y.
(d) 200 to 700 m.y.
Answer ( B)

12. : The detection of natural radioactivity given by:
(a) Alfred Nobel
(b) Madame Curie
(c) Nenri Becquerel ,
(d) Otto mahn.
Answer (C)

13 : The determination of the ratio of parent to daughter nuclides in radioactivity is
usually accomplished with the use of : '
(a) Geiger counter
(b) Mass spectrometer
(c) Oscillometer
(d) None of the above.
Answer ( B)

14 : The half-life period of U238 disintegrated to Pb206 is :
(a) 4000 my
(b) 4498 my
(c) 4628 my
(d) 5122 my
Answer (B)

15 : The valuable method, used to date the metamorphic rocks and Pre-combrian rocks
is :
(a)u238 - Pb206 .
(b)Th232 - Pb208
(c) Rb87 - Sr87
(d) K40 _ Ca40
Answer (C)

16: The atmospheric nitrogen, when attacked by cosmic radiation at high altitudes, gives
rise to :
(a) Carbon
(b) Radio-Carbon
(c) Carbon di-oxide
(d) Carbon mon-oxide.
Answer (B)

17 : During the radioactive transformation of uranium to lead, which gas is formed as an
Intermediate product:
(a) Helium `
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Radon
(d) Argon.
Answer (C)

18: A particle, equivalent to the nucleus of helium atom, which is emitted from an
atomic nucleus during radioactive decay is known as :
(a) Alpha particle
(b) Beta particle
(c) Gamma particle
(d) X-ray particle.
Answer (a)

19 : One of the smooth areas on the moon or on some other planets are known as :
(a) Mascons
(b) Mare
(c) Pluvial
(d) Horn.
Answer (B)

20: Magnetic North and South poles are presently located at :
(a) 70° N 100° w and 60° s 140° E
(b) 75° N 101° wand 67° S143° E
(c) 90° N 100° w and 60° s 150° E
(d) 86° N 109° w and 63° s 193° E
Answer (B)

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